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Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Foothill Elementary School, a preschool through 6th grade school dedicated to providing educational excellence to both our general education and special education students. Our staff is dedicated to continuous professional learning so that they may provide a challenging, relevant curriculum while addressing personal and academic needs in a safe, supportive environment. We are excited to have you as partners in the education of your child. Together we can strive to educate your child to the highest levels to meet their individual educational needs.

At Foothill, our school culture is focused on student achievement, a commitment to high expectations, collaboration and teamwork. We will continue to focus on these practices while also maintaining a warm, caring, and safe environment where children have the opportunity to reach their highest potential.

We hope you will join us as your child travels through their educational journey. We have several opportunities for parents to become active participants in their child’s education. Parent Information Night, Family Nights, Awards Assemblies, and Parent Conferences are only some of the events we will be hosting throughout the year. Please watch for our flyers and join us as we recognize and applaud your child’s many successes.

Foothill Elementary School is a great place to learn and grow!


Mrs. Pearson

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